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Ethiopia will pay for any impact of GERD on Egypt

Four rounds of talks held during 2023 failed to reach an agreement on GERD / photo: AP


Egypt’s Minister of Irrigation and Water Sources Hani Sewilam warned Ethiopia on Wednesday that any harm caused by the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) to Egypt will come at a cost.

“Any dam constructed along the Nile River affects Egypt. Some impacts are manageable, others are not. Ethiopia will pay for any impact on Egypt one day,” Sewilam said.

Sewilam further asserted Egypt’s right to take necessary measures to protect its security if directly threatened by the dam’s operation.

In the case of extended drought, which could last for years, GERD would pose risks to Egypt, he explained.

Sewilam noted that previous negotiations primarily addressed this issue, along with drought concerns. He added that this represents the most critical situation Egypt and Sudan could encounter.

#Ethiopia #Egypt


Chery Egypt


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