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Another ex-Hezbullah fighter recruited by Mossad… with sex tapes

Al-Akhbar News tells the story of Mohsin S., expelled from Hezbullah for disciplinary reasons, and emigrated to Sierra Leone (Africa) for work. While drinking a beer at a restaurant, he saw Charlotte, a blonde who caught his eye. Invited to her house, they had sex during two days.

She made notice of his ‘313’ tattoo (a symbol for the Mahdi’s army at the End Times), but he lied and said it’s football related. He told her he served in the Lebanese army.

Later, he received his sex tape with Charlotte from an unknown number on WhatsApp. Calling this number, he was told by a man named Amir: “Calm down baby, don’t play with fire. I’m from the Israeli security service Mossad.”

⋯ ‘Amir’, the Mossad handler, messaged Mohsin and threatened him with sending the video to his friends and families.

Mohsin, afraid, eventually asked for proof of not-a-scam. During a Skype call, he saw 3 ⁠men, one of them in Israeli military uniform. Mohsin told Amir his readiness to collaborate.

Two days later, Amir introduced ‘Daniel’, and tasked the latter with questioning Mohsin on his history in Hezbullah and the training he underwent. Mohsin revealed he joined Hezbullah in 2010, and underwent many military courses, and participated in battles in Syria. He denied having joined any specialized course in anti-armor or air defense units. But Mossad expressed interest that he undergo those courses if he joins Hezbullah again.

⋯ In Liberia, Mohsin met with his Mossad operator ‘Amir’ at a hotel, and was ordered to pretend searching for a job, in order to mingle with the local Lebanese community.

Again at the hotel, he met ‘Ibrahim’, was physically searched, and ordered to change of clothes, in preparation for a lie detector test. Transfered to an apartment in a four-storey building, he was welcomed warmly by four people. Amir’s work was done; there were now 4 handlers, including one named ‘Ahed’.

Mohsin was asked about Hezbullah, the military skills he acquired, the weapons he trained on, the training sites, and his battles. He was required to pin everything on a map. There were questions about Hezbullah’s light and medium weapons, medical and topography courses, telecommunications, and personal defense. On the nationality of Hezbullah’s instructors, he said they were “Lebanese from the Beqaa” but does know their names. He was asked about the members who had traveled to Africa.

⋯ Mohsin revealed he worked in Hezbullah’s engineering units, which are tasked with sabotage and explosives.

It prompted the Mossad officers to show him photos of Hezbullah’s IEDs. Mohsin said those are primitive and the new IEDs are much more advanced and varried. There were further questions; Mohsin replied that he never worked at a Hezbullah weapon depo, and had no knowledge of any depo locations in Beirut or Lebanon.

Mohsin took the lie detector test, and passed it.

⋯ Mohsin was told to rejoin Hezbullah a.s.a.p., specifically the engineering units.

He would have to provide photos of the party’s weapons, ammunition depots, specially in South Lebanon. Mohsin was trained to use a VPN to camouflage his location when sending messages. He would shortly undergo training to monitor buildings and people, maintain confidentiality, and send coordinates of sites to the Israeli air force.

Before returning to Lebanon, Mossad gave him $17,000. He was warned to spend the money in a logical way so as not to attract attention. He was required to communicate on WhatsApp exclusively, and was promised more money.

Throughout his time in Lebanon, he was unable to join back Hezbullah. (Note: he likely attempted to join the regular forces, not the reserves)  At the end of September 2022, the Information Branch of the Lebanese Security Forces arrested him in the town of Naqoura. He admitted to carrying out a large number of tasks for Mossad.


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