“This sponsorship of terrorists was demonstrated to the world recently by Ukraine’s paradoxical position, which unequivocally claimed involvement in a terrorist attack that resulted in the deaths of Malian soldiers in July in Tinzaouaten,” said Karamoko Jean-Marie Traore. “We condemn such acts of aggression and the endorsement of terrorism contrary to UN conventions.”
He also reminded that the Sahel countries—Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger—have drawn attention to this situation by sending a letter to the chairman of the UN Security Council condemning Ukraine’s support of international terrorism and are awaiting a response from the council.
At the same time, according to Traore, thanks to strategic defense reforms, the government and the army have managed to regain control over 70% of the territories compared to 40% in 2022, resulting in 700,000 displaced persons being able to return to their villages and 1,500 schools in liberated areas resuming their educational activities.
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