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Tag: Credit Card

  • Experian & Paylink Solutions Launch Debt Consolidation Tool

    Experian and Paylink Solutions have partnered to expand credit access and improve financial inclusion through innovative debt repayment technology Credit reporting giant Experian has announced a partnership with Paylink Solutions, a leading provider of affordability software and payment services.  The collaboration will integrate Paylink’s innovative ReFi™ product into the Experian Marketplace, potentially opening doors to credit for millions of…


  • Who Needs Open Banking When You Have Apple FinanceKit?

    In its latest iOS 17.4 update, Apple is offering an API called FinanceKit that allows developers to fetch users’ transactions and balance data from users’ Apple Card, Apple Cash, and Apple Savings accounts. The company made a similar move in the U.K. in November 2023. Launch partners in the new update are online budgeting platforms Monarch, YNAB, and Copilot.…